Thank you, thank you, thank you. Nate and I are
so very thankful for everyone that helped build our garage this weekend. I am amazed by the generosity you all showed - giving up HUGE chunks of time to pound nails, hold Lou, climb ladders, haul shingles and "Novawrap" our new garage. You know who you are, but you deserve some recognition (on this blog that gets MILLIONS of views each day)...
Mike, Trav, Ariyl, Paul, Abbie, Max, Georgia, Jeanne, Tony, Claude, Ryan, Grant, Jason, Rebekah, Adam, Kristy, Paul, Mike S, Aaron, and Jim
Nate started promptly at 8 am on Saturday morning and his work crew quickly grew. Nate had an awesome idea to set up the camera to automatically take pictures every minute throughout the process. Unfortunately, the camera battery died around 10 am on Saturday and we didn't realize it until around 4 pm. Alas, here are some pictures from today. I will hopefully update this post with the pictures from yesterday (before the battery died). The last shingle was nailed in around 9 pm tonight. AMAZING work everyone. Thank you.