Sunday, September 27, 2009

2 jobs, 2 dogs, 2 competitors

I was thrilled to get one job in July and surprised to get a second job in September. I now work half-time at AIDS Network and 12 hours per week at 2 different clinics associated with the University of Wisconsin Hospital & Clinics. I'm an out-patient dietitian working with obese children and pre-diabetic adults. I love nutrition counseling, so I think I'm really going to like this job.

Tomo una clase de espanol tambien! ((I'm taking a spanish class too!) Sorry to any real spanish speakers reading grammar is probably really poor). Although there are days when I feel annoyed by the 10 minute drive to MATC, I really like learning a language I might actually use at work.

Ries has enjoyed having her cousin(?) Romeo around this past week. Sarah and Dan are in Baghdad for the year, and Romeo was afraid to enter a war zone, so he stayed in DC with my parents. This week he's hanging out in Madison just to mix it up a bit. Yep, Romeo likely has frequent flyer miles just like Lucy. It's a big world...gotta explore.

Nate's been busy with ultimate frisbee. Tonight he returned from MN where his team, Madison Club, won sectionals. In two weeks they compete at regionals in Indiana, and, if they do well enough at regionals, they will travel to Florida for nationals. Meanwhile I keep trying to squeeze in training runs for the marathon. I can't say I'm where I hoped to be less than 4 weeks from the event, but I think I'll be okay. Matthew and I are running together, so we'll motivate each other. Anyway, it's better to under train than to over train, right?

See Where Our Pictures Were Taken